By: Shane Ellison M. Sc.
January 5, 2008
As a drug chemist, I used to fear going to work. I risked numerous health hazards – like being exposed to a cancer causing reagent and even losing my wedding ring to a chemical drain. Cancer is bad, but having your wife feel like you are being careless about your marriage is worse. Unknown to her, I was washing off DNA twisting molecules that burned my skin and eyes while they vacuumed the air from my lungs. My ring fell off somewhere between stripping off my clothes, pulling the lab’s evacuation button, and yanking the emergency shower cord. I naively assumed that these were necessary risks for making so-called life saving drugs. I was wrong.
Outside of emergency medicine, prescription drugs are just as deadly as the reagents used to make them. Antibiotics, antivirals and vaccines are a perfect example. Some would argue that this arsenal of anti-infectious agents is a cure. This is almost true. They make us feel better and can even save us from the perils of death in an emergency. But using them outside of an emergency can cause them to become a growth medium for producing stronger and deadlier infectious agents – think drug resistant Super Bugs like the flesh eating Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Additionally, they can give rise to some nasty side effects – think depression, cancer, liver and kidney failure. Five year old Jennifer learned this the hard way.
Ten days after taking an antibiotic for an earache, Jennifer asked, “Why are my eyes yellow Mommy?” Cured from her earache, Jennifer lost her life to liver failure a few months later.
This is hardly a cure. Vaccines and antivirals are no different. To beat infectious disease and avoid the horrors (like MRSA) that often accompany the use of Western Medicine, Mother Nature’s total immune boosting breakthroughs are a wiser option.
As a pharmaceutical chemist, I employed Mother Nature as the guide for the design and synthesis of drugs. Logic and science – not pharmaceutical hype - dictates that we “go natural first.”
Prescription drugs only mimic a single isolate and rely on a single mechanism of action for effectiveness. Their non-toxic, plant based predecessors contain a multitude of active substances. And instead of depending on one single method of protecting the body, they work in unison to increase the power of the whole immune system. This is the “adaptogenic effect.”
Whether you are fighting flu, getting over whooping cough, or warding off the next Super Bug, adaptogens are your key to beating them! They are so potent in fact, that Big Pharma has been attempting to make counterfeits in their top secret labs for over 15 years!
Garlic is known as “the poor persons” antibiotic. I call it the smart person’s adaptogen. Not only will it help you live young, but it will also protect against a whole host of biological “nasties” – even tuberculosis. This “mycobacterial infection” manifests into chest pain, coughing blood, night sweats and premature death. A new infection of tuberculosis occurs at a rate of one per second among our population! Western Medicine contributes to this unwittingly by using antibiotics that actually teach the bacteria how to work around the body’s natural defenses – resulting in drug-resistant strains. Garlic is different. Thanks to its adoptogenic effects, the active ingredients confer super powers to the whole immune system, allowing it to eradicate “nasties” as they enter our system – and before they can replicate themselves into resistant strains. Garlic can be synergized with the adaptogen andrographis.
Andrographis was first used for its success in treating snakebites and overcoming malaria and dysentery. It is considered to be especially effective in clearing heat from the body and blood and is commonly used in treating heart conditions which include infection in the lungs, urinary tract, and throat – think strep throat. Within the halls of Big Pharma, modern research has proven andrographis to be beneficial at removing blood clots, stopping the spread of multiple types of cancer, and increasing the amount of immune enhancing white blood cells. Its active ingredients have been identified as andrographolides. The Journal of Ethnopharmacology recently showed andrographis to be more effective than the well known astragalus and echinichea for warding off the flu. [1]
I no longer fear going to work. Since tendering my resignation as a corporate drug cook, I don’t face the hazards associated with deadly reagents (and have since acquired a new wedding ring). I chose the natural route for health and if you do the same, you’ll no longer have to fear biological nasties. Nor will you have to default to using Western Medicine’s arsenal of toxic counterfeits.
1. Han-Chieh Koa, Bai-Luh Weib and Wen-Fei Chiou. The effect of medicinal plants used in Chinese folk medicine on RANTES secretion by virus-infected human epithelial cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology . Volume 107, Issue 2, 19 September 2006, Pages 205-210
© 2008 Shane Ellison - All Rights Reserved
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Monday, January 7, 2008
Mother Nature's Total Immune Boosting Breakthroughs
big pharma,
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12:42 PM
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