by Mike Adams
Watching the FDA trip over its own clumsy self while groping for answers on Salmonella is a sad affair. Following the FDA-encouraged destruction of tens of millions of dollars of perfectly good tomatoes, this confused, bewildered agency admits that tomatoes may not have been the problem after all, and it has now set its sights on destroying the peppers industry. Is there no vegetable safe from the destruction of the FDA?
Tomatoes don't harbor salmonella, by the way. Neither do peppers, onions, cilantro or spinach. Salmonella only festers in factory-farmed animals, folks, and that means the real source of contamination is no doubt some animal factory upstream from the vegetable processing centers. So why isn't the FDA going after the animal factories that likely caused this whole fiasco? Because making Americans scared of their vegetables is a great way to advance the FDA's food irradiation agenda which would destroy virtually all the medicinal phytonutrients in plants.
As intelligent, informed consumers are now discovering to their own dismay, the FDA appears to be purposely dragging its feet on this food safety crisis, milking the fear for political gain just like President Bush after 9/11. Fear is a powerful tactic for pushing an agenda that the People would otherwise refuse to accept, and since most Americans are strongly opposed to food irradiation, the FDA is more than happy to drag out this salmonella issue as a way to make American consumers increasingly afraid of fresh vegetables.
This accomplishes three things the FDA supports:
1) It advances the FDA's pro-irradiation agenda where ALL fresh produce might someday be irradiated without your knowledge.
2) It makes consumers buy more processed, dead foods, which produces profits for the very same junk food companies that have strong influence at the FDA.
3) If food irradiation is put in place, it will destroy the medicinal properties of fresh produce, thereby blocking the prevention of diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc. This, in turn, has the effect of creating a windfall of sick people that will fill the coffers of drug companies (who are, of course, the FDA's clients).
But would the FDA play politics with the safety of American lives? Sure it would...
Wait a sec. Am I saying the FDA would purposely put American lives at risk in order to play politics with food safety?
Well, gee, if you haven't noticed, the FDA has been putting American lives at risk for well over a decade, pushing dangerous pharmaceuticals that were recalled by other nations, colluding with drug companies to bury negative information about the drugs, outlawing safe, natural alternatives to dangerous pharmaceuticals and even going so far as to threaten its own top scientists who attempt to speak out against dangerous drugs.
Want to know the truth about the FDA? Read the shocking facts, if you dare, at
This salmonella scare, you see, isn't about tomatoes, peppers or cilantro. It's about creating a state of fear in the minds of consumers -- a state that can be invoked to further the FDA's pro-irradiation agenda.
These scare stories, in other words, are a lot like false flag operations in the military, where conflicts are staged against one's own nation in order to blame the enemy and declare war. See
So as it turns out, the FDA isn't fumbling around so much after all. It only acts like it's clueless about these salmonella outbreaks in order to prolong the problem, generate more fearful press coverage, and then appear as the hero when it calls for widespread food irradiation.
Don't be afraid of fresh food, folks. Be outraged at the FDA's use of fear as a manipulation tactic to invoke a backlash against fresh food.
Vegetables are not the problem, and food irradiation would make them LESS safe for consumers, not more.
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
FDA Leaps from Tomatoes to Peppers in Desperate, Fumbling Fiasco of Failed Food Safety over Salmonella
big pharma,
food irradiation,
harmful side effects,
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7:00 AM
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